Clip DescriptionElise, naomi and lina are having a diaper slumber party. Initially they chat about how great it is they finally were able to get together, and how they enjoy sitting around visiting with one another while wearing their diapers. But then naomi pipes up that they should play a game of truth or dare. They all agree that it sounds like fun and naomi goes first. Lina ask her, “truth or dare”? “Truth”, she says while elise chimes in it should be a really good question. Lina asks her, “do you ever let boys see your diaper?” Naomi replies by letting them know that she doesn’t, how she worries about them “freaking” out about it. Elise agrees but lina chimes in that she has –and the boy really liked it! Now lina goes next, selecting “truth”. Elise ask her how long she stays in her diaper after she ***** in it. Lina, a bit sheepishly, tells the ***** about one time when, before bed, she pooped her diaper and then slept in it all night. Not only that, she admits to masturbating in it the next morning before changing it. Naomi is horrified, it seems a bit to much information for her. When elise ask her if she has ever done something similar she lets them know she thinks that it is “kinda gross”. Elise lets her know she’s done that before as well, while lina confesses that’s why she wears them. Now its elise’s turn and, after telling naomi and lina they’ve been “pussies” about selecting “truth”, she selects “dare”. Naomi immediately gives her a dare, “prove it, **** in your diaper right now and we’ll see how long you sit in it”. Elise just laughs, telling her she “wears diapers and is proud of it”. She gets up on the bed, turns around and faces her diapered butt to the other ***** and dumps a (real release) load into her diaper. Lina, turned on, can’t stop touching elise’s diaper while she fills it up. Naomi can’t believe her eyes. After several more truth or dare questions between the ***** the turn falls to lina. She accepts a “dare” and elise dares her to masturbate right in front of her and naomi. Lina confesses that she usually does so with a vibrator and elise pulls one out from under the bed. Uninhibited, lina presses it down onto her pussy over her plastic pants and diaper and proceeds to bring herself to a massive orgasm. Elise seems to enjoy watching but naomi appears nervous and unsettled about it. When she finishes elise grabs the vibrator from her and proclaims that it’s her turn. She also pulls out a powerful orgasm from beneath her diaper and then hands the vibrator to a horrified naomi.
Clip Duration: 11 minutes |
Format | Size | wmv | 416.24 MB |
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